Vision in The Construction Business – The Common Bond
Historically, construction projects have served many purposes, including providing shelter, equipping businesses, delivering communal gathering places, demonstrating political power, and paying homage to deities. Today, the construction industry employs millions of people and spends billions of dollars on goods and services. Yeah, construction businesses and the people working in the construction industry are a big deal!
Beginning with an understanding of the bigger picture, the broad scope of possibilities, and the importance of the construction industry as a whole is eye-opening. Letting your mind wander into the potential of the various aspects of building something for someone is inspiring.
From a different perspective, narrowing the vision to only those conducting the construction business on the North American Continent can also be compelling. Whether you’re among those rising first on the East Coast or those finishing the day on the West Coast, it is easy to imagine a rolling wave of construction activities crossing the continent. Activities that include overcoming obstacles, joining in on the camaraderie, gaining knowledge of a job well done, or fulfilling clients’ dreams add to the sense of well-being by acknowledging an industry-wide common bond.
Vision in Your Construction Business – Begins With You
What is it that you want for your construction business? How do you define success for your business? What do you expect for the long term? What sense of purpose do you have? Where does your excitement, devotion, or enthusiasm lie?
Your vision will depend highly on shared values (your company culture,) your business mission, and the strategy used to accomplish short-term goals. In other words, your vision expands what you already do successfully. Further, your vision for your construction contracting business should be high and lofty.
The Ancient Greeks had a word, eudaimonia, to describe both the state of being happy and the process of doing virtuous acts. Perhaps the closest English word for this is “flourishing.” It can be thought of as a life “well lived.”
Incorporating the idea of eudaimonia into your vision for your construction company is indeed high and lofty. Allowing your employees to flourish and helping them grasp the concepts behind having a well-lived life is priceless. Happy employees whose virtuous acts include giving your clients what they need is incalculable.
Vision in Your Construction Business – Is Contagious
Do your employees know why their work matters in the grand scheme? Do they get the picture concerning your vision for your construction company? Can they see how what they are doing is more than the tasks they accomplish each day? Can they see a deeper meaning in their daily work?
It comes down to this – you can’t demand commitment to your vision; you must inspire it. Your enthusiasm, engagement, and dedication to your vision become contagious to your employees when they see how their aspirations and goals for the future fit into your high and lofty vision.
On the flip side, when your employees understand their part in fulfilling your client’s dreams and aspirations, they begin to grasp the vital part they play.
Taking pride in their work is part of the equation. Seeing that people have roofs over their heads, places to dine out, hospitals waiting to assist them, bridges to drive over, supermarkets for refreshing pantries, and whatever other building they take part in is an incredible boost to confidence and self-esteem.
Keeping employees engaged and motivated starts with their trust in senior leadership. They want leaders who are authentic, honest, and motivated themselves. They also appreciate absolute clarity in the message of your vision. They want to know what your company stands for. Tell them what their part is in making the vision a reality.
Vision for Your Construction Business – An Analogy
There was likely a specific reason for starting your construction business. It could have been because you thought you could do something better or craved independence. Perhaps you were following a dream.
And just like the knights of old fighting off dragons or rescuing the princess from the tower, you knew you had a mission to fulfill, obstacles to overcome, and objectives to achieve.
Just as pages and squires did in their time, you put in the hours of training and discipline necessary to achieve the status of knighthood or construction business owner. You received the required documentation. For medieval English knights, it might include letters patents (documents that a sovereign signs to grant rights.) That involves becoming a registered contractor with licenses and all the documentation required for today’s construction contractors.
Rather than shining armor, you donned the necessary PPE. Instead of mounting a warhorse, you stepped into your pickup. You didn’t use swords, daggers, or lances but instead picked up the tools of your trade. Not needing a banner displaying your coat of arms, you chose a logo to be repeated across the belongings of your construction company. And you set off with a vision.
Heading out on your mission means you see the vision and are ready to lead your team, overcome obstacles, achieve your objectives, and bring home the prize.
Vision for Your Construction Business – Three Steps
Your vision sets your construction company’s direction and determines the path you’ll take. It unites those involved around a common purpose. It provides the foundation for decision-making.
Define your construction company’s core purpose.
Determine the value you want to provide for your customers.
Visualize what your business will look like in the prospective future.
Arming yourself with your vision, passing on your vision to your employees, and demonstrating your vision to your clients gives you the eudaimonia advantage.
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Working with The Profit Constructors gives Construction Contractors the means to organize their operations in ways that help them:
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