So, What is a Vibe?
One dictionary describes it this way:
a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.
Another dictionary has this to say about the word vibe:
distinctive feeling or quality capable of being sensed
Did you notice that the word vibe has to do with something felt or gives off a feeling?
Your vibe is non-verbal communication. And it speaks loudly!
Boost Your Construction Company’s Vibe
Typically, the vibe of a construction business is (knowingly or unknowingly) dictated by the leadership. For instance, the constantly frazzled or grumpy boss leads to a continually frazzled or grumpy crew. And the boss who rolls with the punches, has a great sense of humor, and generally enjoys life will generate that vibe with the team.
Each desirable vibe trait is followed by its undesirable counterpoint in the following list. Read through and see which of these traits you already rock and which need improvement. For the most part, the list is self-explanatory. With a few, there are links to give you more information.
Assured – Cocky
Composed – Arrogant
Confident – Hesitant
Self-controlled – Uncontrolled
Focused – Distracted
Engaged – Uninterested
Self-aware – Self-focused
Strategic – Reckless
Organized – Disorganized
Accept responsibility – Blame others or circumstances
Effective communicator – Uncommunicative
Trustworthy – Irresponsible
Knowledgeable – Uninformed
Motivator – Discouraging
Delegator – Tyrant (Control freak)
Conflict resolution provider – Ineffective resolution skills
Good collaborator – Adversarial
Improve the Vibe
Use the above list to determine which traits you
Already enjoy
Need to improve
Will develop
If you need help knowing how to proceed, keep in mind what Rudyard Kipling said, "Gardens are not made by singing 'Oh, how beautiful,' and sitting in the shade."
Put in the time and effort to improve your own and your construction company’s vibe.
A Word of Warning
If your actual business practices and vibe don’t match the website or social media vibe you try to present to the world, things will get messy.
Construction Contractors look to The Profit Constructors to provide advocacy in dealing with:
Clients and customers
Employees and subcontractors
Vendors and service providers
Governmental entities
Working with The Profit Constructors gives Construction Contractors the means to organize their operations in ways that help them:
Remain informed
Avoid hassles
Reduce risks
Be future-ready
Ready for action? Or want to know more? Get in touch today to schedule a complimentary discovery call. 866-629-7735