There has been a focus on using SEO to improve your online presence within our last three posts. If you haven’t already checked them out or need a refresher, here is your chance.
The Bottom Line
As those of us in the accounting world understand, the bottom line begins telling the story.
And the bottom line of all this discussion is this – SEO is all about improving user experience. It is about starting interactions with your future clients in ways that make it easy for them.
The Search Ladder
When people first type something into their search engine, they likely have direct or indirect questions. When the questions they ask lead to your website, you can make it easy for them.
Often the search ladder begins with answering the questions or solving a problem they have.
Can you tell me “how to. . .?” (These can range from the simple – fix my doorbell, to the more complicated – find an honest contractor.)
What is your price? (And this isn’t the exploding bomb some think it is. It is instead an opportunity to educate and move the discussion along.)
How long do your projects take? (Another opportunity!)
The next ladder stepping point found through a search engine can be termed, “Please show proof of life.” When folks are nearer the end of looking for and finding a construction contractor, their questions deepen. When they look at your website, they may be asking things like:
What have you done lately?
Are you real?
What can I expect from you?
How do I proceed?
The third ladder step takes place if your future client’s experience thus far has been easy. They may take a deeper dive and begin asking questions about how your construction company can meet their immediate and specific needs. Their thinking moves to, “I have a problem that your construction company may be able to solve.” Their questions change:
How do you compare to other contractors in my area?
How will you treat my budget?
When can I expect my project to be completed?
The Bottom Line Revisited
The purpose of SEO is to assure both future clients AND search engines alike. They need to know that they can trust you. Both want to see that you provide correct information.
While developing and implementing your SEO strategy can’t be completed overnight, you do well to have a pursuit of perfection attitude.
We hope that this series of blog posts and the most recent Construction Junction podcast (found here on Youtube or here on Podbean) has been helpful to you and will help you improve your standing with the future clients you encounter because of it.
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