Office systems – they’re no joke
Office systems could be funny, right? Let’s step back a moment and look at where this post came from.
As per my own advice, I keep a Squirrel List of ideas that have crossed my path.
Occasionally I scan through it when deciding what to write that will benefit our subcontractor clients. A while back I had written what became the title to this article (How to know if your office system is a mess) with a following note which said, “It requires a new file cabinet.” Yeah, I thought is was funny in my own off-the-wall way. You see, we often work with our clients to help them move towards a paperless office for the sake of both security as well as efficiency.
Next, I thought what other “funny” things can I add besides the file cabinet “joke” to come up with a lighthearted post for this page. Turns out office systems are a pretty down-to-earth item not to be tampered with – much. With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy I present the following guide.
Your office system might be a mess if:
Your cleaning crew can’t find your desk
The neighbors complain about the weekly trash overflowing – every week
You would rather be anywhere (including the dog-house) instead of your office
Your biggest business goal is to determine where in the office you left your mobile phone
It requires a new file cabinet
Your office system is important
Office systems in your subcontracting business are just as important as the systems you use in the shop, during the service call, or on the construction site. Get your office systems right and you are a step ahead of your competitors – a giant step ahead.
The absolute, down in the trenches, give-away that your office systems aren’t functioning well is this – you don’t have time for the important stuff.
You don’t have time to work on the things that will grow your business, such as:
identify new business opportunities
formulate ways to form strategic partnerships
find new ways to provide extra value to your clients
provide mentorship or training to your valuable employees
pursue continuing education concerning tools, supplies, techniques, and best office practices
enhance field productivity
meet with potential clients
develop an effective and evolving organizational structure
Your office system IS a mess when
In no particular order there follows a list of clues showing your office system is a mess – and these aren’t all that funny. If you check off too many of these, you need to rein in the chaos and begin getting your office systems in order. (And yes, the team here at Schulte and Schulte is good at helping our clients pull on those reins.)
Your systems are all and only in your head
There is no backup plan for when things go wrong
You have too many daily goals
Your website is stagnant
Your email inbox is multiple pages long or (worse yet) your physical inbox is over-flowing
People keep quitting
Your few documented systems include names rather than titles concerning who does the work
No one knows where to look for lost information
The phone ringing isn’t a pleasure but a disturbance
You haven’t created (documented) repeatable systems for all your processes
You’re unsure of your costs and expenditures
You don’t know who owes you nor how much they owe
You’re unwilling (or don’t know how) to remove non-performers
You spend too much time putting out fires
Neither you nor your employees can describe your company culture (learn how here)
The physical layout of your office doesn’t lead easily to next-step tasks
You don’t have clarity of purpose
You don’t have a growth-through-systems mindset
And last, but not least . . . it requires a new file cabinet 🤡
If you like having accounting and office systems that work to make you more efficient and effective, therefore making you more profitable, then you can get in touch here or by calling 866-629-7735 to set your place on our waiting list.