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Writer's pictureYvonne Root

36 Reasons to Get into Construction

The Story Behind This Post

We’re going to have a little fun here today. It all started when I noticed a plethora of articles, blog posts, and social media updates that purport to give information concerning the “why” of entering a career path in the construction industry. I didn’t notice any that were wrong in their reporting. Still, I did see that many were repetitive and didn’t always consider the various backgrounds of those thinking about the opportunities within the construction field. While pondering how to approach the task of presenting this information, I was reminded of how one of my favorite authors began his book (actually a letter to his friend, Theophilus) by saying that many had already “undertaken to draw up an account.” Aha!

Therefore, with apologies to that author, I begin with a copied, pasted, and changed rendition of the opening paragraph of the book of Luke.

The Copied, Pasted, and Changed Opening

Many have undertaken to draw up lists of the things that would encourage both the young and the mature among us to become part of the construction industry, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the field and the office were eyewitnesses and partakers of the wild and wonderful world that is the business of building. With this in mind, since we ourselves have carefully investigated these things from many angles, we too decided to write a list for you, most diligent information seeker, so that you may have a better understanding of the reasons to get into the construction industry.

A Heads Up for What Follows

Before going further, I must warn you that, at first glance, some of the reasons may seem contradictory to one another. Yet, I assure you that the seeming contradictions are complementary when seen in the light of the variety of experiences and circumstances people ideally suited to the construction life bring to the table.

Plus, each numbered item is concise without a lengthy explanation – intended to provoke thought and consideration.

Without Further Ado

If you’re considering getting into the construction industry, here are a few reasons why it might be a good choice for you.

If you’re a construction business owner, this is a good list to have on hand when talking with others about the opportunities available.

36 Reasons to Get into Construction

1. You love working with your hands, being in the field, and not being tied to a desk.

2. You are quite happy to sit in front of a computer daily and get to exercise your brain muscles.

3. You’re one of those who likes mixing it up and having time at a desk and in the field.

4. You deeply desire to help others, and making an excellent living while doing that just makes sense.

5. Your mom or dad was in construction, which treated them well.

6. Your mom and dad know nothing about construction, but you want to create your own path.

7. You have a college degree, and you want to put it to good use.

8. You don’t have a college degree, and you know that with so many entry points into the construction world, you have excellent possibilities for growth and advancement.

9. You enjoy working with a team and seeing things from different perspectives.

10. Having time alone to think things through and come up with reasonable solutions is something you’ve always done and are good at.

11. You’re handy with tools and enjoy working with them.

12. The most you know about tools is that they should be chosen wisely, but you would rather not be the one wielding them.

13. You’ve always had a knack for numbers, and measuring is second nature to you.

14. You know how to read blueprints and interpret them to understand what goes where.

15. You don’t know how to read blueprints, but they fascinate you, and you want to know more.

16. You’re good at leading teams.

17. You can follow instructions and get the job done.

18. Many construction companies are actively seeking employees. In other words, there is a high demand for construction workers.

19. There is on-the-job training – which means you get paid to learn.

20. You get to work with the latest technology available.

21. You know what CAD is and the importance of using this technique for renderings.

22. You’ve heard about CAD and CAD-related tools and want to try them out.

23. You can help create places for people to shop, work, heal, eat, worship, lounge, play, learn, be entertained, and do many other activities, including living in a home.

24. You get to be a part of a fast-paced environment, with busy days, where you get to deal with something different related to each job or project.

25. Your ability to choose which part of the country (or even foreign countries) you want to live in is enhanced by the attitude and skills you bring to the table.

26. There are daily challenges that bring out the best in your brain or your physical capabilities.

27. The construction industry is diverse – if you have the smarts and the capabilities, you’re in.

28. There are equal promotion opportunities.

29. You have the opportunity to share your best ideas.

30. Thinking for yourself is expected and encouraged.

31. The demand for skilled workers is high and will continue to increase as more baby boomers age out.

32. You want to own your own business someday, and construction offers many opportunities to advance to the point that makes that feasible.

33. Often existing skills learned in other industries or elsewhere can be applied to jobs in the construction sector – think team or customer management, materials knowledge, time management, teachability, flexibility, decision-making capabilities, and even attitude.

34. Construction pays well!

35. Construction is never boring.

36. Pointing at a completed structure and knowing that you took part in building it is exhilarating. You get to see and feel the tangible outcome, the results of your work.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for making construction part of your career path. You can probably think of more than I’ve listed. Working in the construction industry is not (as some think) for those who are dumb or can’t get a “real” job. Construction is a lucrative and time-honored way to support your family, your community, and your desire for personal accomplishment.

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