First things first
The other day, The Profit Constructors received an excellent review from a client, and that got me to thinking about all things related to testimonials. This article is an outcome of that thinking.
I’ll tell you more about the testimonial we received later in this post. But before we go there and before we get to the three essential points mentioned in the title, let’s look at what you already know.
You already know that client testimonials build credibility and trust with general contractors and owners. You’ve already heard that endorsements from previous customers and clients have the ability to turn browsers into buyers.
You likely understand from your reliance on reviews and testimonials that they make the product or service you are researching more relatable. Testimonials have the power to back up company claims, and they can set a business apart from its competitors.
The bottom line is testimonials have the power to boost your reputation. And by boosting your reputation, they also increase the chance of winning future project bids — that simple.
Point One – It is about relationship
Asking for testimonials and reviews must be based on the relationship you have with the general contractors and others with whom you work.
Asking for testimonials need not leave you feeling awkward or icky. It is neither weird nor uncouth to seek endorsement from others. Keep in mind, just as other aspects of being a commercial construction subcontractor depend on the relationship, so does asking for a review.
Sometimes it is as simple as asking, “May I quote you on that?” Go one step further and say, “Is it OK to add what you just said to our website?”
If you receive a card or an email, or you notice something someone said about your construction company on social media, it is a perfect opportunity to seek permission to use those words as a testimonial.
Keep in mind, when you are asking for testimonials from other business owners, it is not a foreign concept to them. They’ve probably been asked before. And just as probable they’ve been on the asking end in the past. Then, “Will you please write a review for us?” becomes one more aspect of doing business.
Whenever you complete a job, ask for a review or testimonial. Add a task to your job close-out sheet – Ask for a testimonial.
Point two – Spread the news
Great testimonials illustrate a real customer’s experience. But, if no one sees them . . .
The point is putting testimonials (even the same testimonials) in a variety of places is wise. Of course, your website is an excellent starting point.
Front and center, on landing pages, on a client testimonial page, wherever your site visitors look to find them on your website is the “right” place to put them.
The sky is the limit for where to show off your testimonials. Here are a few other places you should consider placing (or having your clients place) testimonials:
· On your social media pages
· On their social media pages
· Through designated review places related to your industry
· In paid advertising (from short adds to billboards)
· On your marketing materials (flyers, mailers, postcards, or brochures)
· In your newsletter
· During recorded or live media interviews
· In your blog posts
Point three – Double the gold
This point is short and sweet. Testimonials are gold when used to attract potential clients. Yet you can double that gold potential when you share the information found in testimonials with your team.
Inspiring your team members with the words of your clients is powerful. If someone on your team happens to be mentioned by name, then, of course, that person must be notified and congratulated. And, if the testimonial uses the words “the team” or “the staff,” team members will be encouraged and energized by being recognized.
Be sure you use whatever means you have to let your team members know they have been a part of receiving excellent testimonials. In-house newsletters, bulletin boards, morning huddles, and one to one conversation all qualify for ways to spread the word and thereby double the gold.
The testimonial that started this post
Remember, I said I would share the testimonial we received? Well, there is a little story behind it. As a new member of Upwork Tonya did her due diligence when creating her profile. And, when she discovered one of our clients was also an Upwork user, she asked him for a review on that site.
Later that day, she received this text from him:
I guess I am blessed to say that writing your upwork testimonial was the hardest thing I have done today…
I am incapable of singing your praises in 800 characters…
Then, the following testimonial showed up on the Upwork site.
“Starting my 3rd business I wanted to outsource my bookkeeping. In the past we hired someone to do data entry and attempt to keep things in order so my accountant could reconcile at the end of the month. The process was inefficient, and I had to be VERY involved and present to make sure items were entered correctly. I was very fortunate to find Tonya, she and her staff have a system that handles everything including taxes, seamlessly with little time needed on my end. In addition Tonya is knowledgeable and an expert in her field, able to offer suggestions, and answer any question regarding business ownership and development. Calling her is one of the better business decisions I have made. She patiently has helped me become more profitable and more importantly she is my friend.”
Jeff Harb
Thank You, Jeff!!!
While the Upwork review was the first place this testimonial was seen, the second place was with The Profit Constructors’ team. And this post is the third place. There will be mentions in other areas because we believe in “spreading the news.”
In review
1. It is about relationships, and the “ask.”
2. Spread the news.
3. Double the gold by sharing the testimonial internally.
4. Remember to give a hearty and heartfelt “Thank You!” to your review provider.
We desire to familiarize you with business concepts, which will make it easier for you to be a better commercial construction subcontractor through our blog posts. Some are new ways of looking at things, and others are refreshers.
The Profit Constructors Provide Contract Document Management and Advisory Board Level counsel for small to medium commercial construction subcontractors.
So you can Run With the Big Dogs! Call us 866-629-7735